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Gcc For Mac

1.到这里(HPC on Mac OS X)下载所需要的的gcc压缩包。2.下载完成后,通过terminal进入下载目录,即gcc.

The graphical user interface (GUI) domainates the current operatingenvironments for personal computing. However, there are still tons ofpowerful tools, such as gcc and gdb, using the traditional text-basedinterface. Now, let's turn on the terminal within Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, or any other UNIX-like operating system to discover the power ofcommand-line tools!

*If you don't have any linux machine available, please try to login and with ssh clients. If you have problemlogin these machines, please contact Hung-Wei.

  1. 1.到这里(HPC on Mac OS X)下载所需要的的gcc压缩包。2.下载完成后,通过terminal进入下载目录,即gcc.
  2. Jun 20, 2019  Compiling and executing a program on C is very simple using XCode on Mac. But using a text editor takes time and requires the user to operate using Terminal No matter what, I will guide through a step-by-step procedure for compiling and executing.

Open up a new Terminal window in your home directory, type cd gcc-4.2.0 and then ls to verify its all in there. Next, c reate another directory to install gcc into. To go back into the home directory, then type: mkdir avrgcc-4.2 (substituting your gcc version for the 4.2) Navigate to the folder you created. In both cases, the apps can recognize that they are in a GCC High or DoD environment and will automatically prevent telemetry data from being sent to Microsoft. For other Office apps, such as Skype for Business client, Office for Mac, and Office apps on iOS, additional configuration is needed to prevent telemetry data from being sent to Microsoft. Gcc is the C and C compiler developed by GNU project. It is widely adopted as the default compiler of UNIX-like systems. If you are using a Mac, you may also get gcc by installing Xcode (Developer) Tools in the Mac OS X installation Disc #1. Assume that we have a C source file 'garbage.c' with the content of shown below. GCC recognizes files with these names and compiles them as C programs even if you call the compiler the same way as for compiling C programs (usually with the name gcc). However, the use of gcc does not add the C library.


  • gcc
  • gdb


gcc is the C and C++ compiler developed by GNU project. It is widelyadopted as the default compiler of UNIX-like systems. If you are using aMac, you may also get gcc by installing Xcode (Developer) Tools in the Mac OSX installation Disc #1.

Basic Usage

Assume that we have a C source file 'garbage.c' with the content of shown below:The basic way of compiling garbage.c into an executable file called 'garbage' is:

  • gcc -o garbage garbage.c
If the program is compiled without errors, you can execute the program bytyping './garbage' followed by two numbers as its arguments.

If you are interested about how the assembly code of garbage.c look like, youcan also generate the assembly code by replacing the '-o garbage' option with'-S' as:

  • gcc -S garbage.c
The gcc will stop compiling the program after the 'garbage.s' file isgenerated. You may use any text editor to browser the content of theassembly code. To figure out what the assembly code does, you may referencethe following documents.
    . . .
  • A good document on x86 ISA.
  • Frequently Used Options

    In addition to the basic usage, gcc also provides options that help youoptimize or debug your code. For example, you may:
    • Compile your code with debugging information:
      • gcc -g -o garbage garbage.c
    • Compile your code with optimizations:
      • gcc -On -o garbage garbage.c
      Notice: n is usually a number through 1 to 3. The larger the number, the more optimizations are performed while compiling the code. The optimization options may differ in each platform. For example, the gcc under Mac OS also supports -Os and -Oz to allow optimization for code size.
    • For other optimization/debug options, you may use
      • man gcc
      under any UNIX-like system.


    gcc is a debugger by GNU project. Gdb can step through your sourcecode line-by-line or even instruction by instruction. You may also watchthe value of any variable at run-time. In additon, it also helps to identifythe place and the reason making the program crash.

    Basic Usage

    All program to be debugged in gdb must be compiled by gcc with the option'-g' turning on. Continue with the 'garbage' example, if we want to debug theprogram 'garbage', we can simply start gdb by:

    • gdb ./garbage
    Then, you will see the gdb environment similar as following:

    To start running and debugging the program, we can simply type the 'run'command after the (gdb) prompt as below: If the program takes arguments such as 'garbage arg_1 arg_2', we may start running the program with these arguments as:

    Breaking Program

    To inspect the current state of program exeution, we need to break theexecution of debugging program in gdb. At any point, we may use ctrl-c to interrupt the running program. However, ctrl-c is hard tohelp breaking our program at a specific point. Therefore, gdb provides the 'breakpoint' function that allows us to break debugging program at the'breakpoint' set by ourselves. Gdb allows the breakpoint to be set to anysource code line, function, or even any instruction.
    • Break by line: to break the program at the beginning of a certainline, we can use the command 'break source_filename:line_number'.For example, if we want to break at the beginning of main function ingarbage.c, we can do as below:
    • Break by function: to break the program at the beginning of a certainfunction, we can use the command 'break source_filename:function_name()'.For example, if we want to break at the beginning of main function ingarbage.c, we can also try below:
    • Break by instruction: to break the program at the beginning of a certainmachine instruction, we can use the command 'break *PC'. For example, if we want to break at the beginning of main function in garbage.c, we can also try below:

    To show the current breakpoints we have, we may use the 'info breakpoint'command as:

    To disable a breakpoint we have, we may use the 'disable breakpoint_number'.To re-enable disabled breakpoint, we can turn it on by 'enablebreakpoint_number'. To remove a breakpoint, we can use 'deletebreakpoint_number' or replace the 'break' with 'clear' command as wecreate these breakpoints.

    To resume the exeution of the interrupted program, we can use the 'continue'or 'c' command.

    Stepping through program

    Once a running program is interrupted in gdb, we can step the program toinspect how the program is executed. Gdb provides several stepcommands to allow stepping program with different granularities:
    • s: the debugger will step to the next line in the source code.For example, using the s command, the program will step through line 9 from line 8 after the program interrupted by breakpoint 1.
    • si: the debugger will step to the next instruction in the compiled code. For example, using the si command, the program will stepthrough PC 0x00001f91 from 0x00001f8e.
    • n: the debugger will step to the next source line. Each function callwill be treat as a single source code line.

    Inspect variables/register value

    Once a running program is interrupted in gdb, we can also inspect the valueof a variable using the 'print' command.

    If we are interested about the current value of variable a, wecan simply 'print variable_name'. For example, after line 8 is executed, wecan inspect if the atoi function correctly translate the characters tointeger as below:

    Similiarly, if we are interested about the current value of a register, wecan simply 'print $register_name'. For example, after line 8 is executed, wecan inspect $eax as:

    If we are interested about all the register values, we can use 'inforegisters' command to display the value in all registers.

Posted on May 21, 2017 by Paul

Updated 4 May 2019

In this tutorial, I will show you how to compile from source and install the current stable version of GCC with Graphite loop optimizations on your macOS computer. The instructions from this tutorial were tested with Xcode 10 and Mojave (macOS 10.14). If you are using Catalina (macOS 10.15) check this tutorial.

Clang, the default compiler for macOS, supports only C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++. If you are interested in a modern Fortran compiler, e.g. you will need gfortran that comes with GCC. Another reason to have the latest stable version of GCC on your macOS is that it provides you with an alternative C and C++ compiler. Testing your code with two different compilers is always a good idea.

Building GCC 9 from sources could take some time, in my case it took about two hours on a MacBook Air with a 16GB of RAM. If you want to avoid the wait time or if you have any problem building from source, you can download my binary version.

In order to compile GCC from sources you will need a working C++ compiler. In the remaining of this article I will assume that you have installed the Command Line Tools for Xcode. At the time of this writing Apple’s Command Line Tools maps the gcc and g++ to clang and clang++. If you don’t have the Command Line Tools installed, open a Terminal and write:

which will guide through the installation process.

macOS Mojave changed the location of the system headers, this broke the GCC 9 build process. In order to build GCC install the required header files in the old location:

A window should open, double click the existing pkg file, and accept the defaults. This should solve the problem of the missing header files. Video editing software free for mac.

Let’s start by creating a working folder:

Gcc For Mac Os X

Next, we can download and extract the latest stable version of GCC:

GCC 9 depends on a couple of other libraries that can be downloaded with:

We will start by compiling and installing the gmp library:

We will do the same steps for mpfr now:

Now, we are going to build mpc:

Next step is to build the library for the Graphite loop optimizations:

We are ready to compile GCC now. Be prepared that this could take more than one hour on some machines … Since I’m interested only in the C, C++ and Fortran compilers, this is the configure command I’ve used on my machine:

The above command instructs the configure app where we have installed gmp, mpfr, mpc and isl; also it tells to add a prefix to all the resulting executable programs, so for example if you will invoke GCC 9.1.0 you will write gcc-9.1, the gcc command will invoke Apple’s version of clang.

Microsoft office for mac product key. It is one that is stable this implies you can download and use it right now without fretting about fatal mistakes which you have got gotten in beta versions before. Additionally provides 32-bit and 64-bit, as well as activation tools for everyone to download on demand. (Visio and task components are perhaps not included, these 2 are stand-alone installation packages)Everybody else knowledgeable about Microsoft Office knows that, starting with the form of Office 2007, every 36 months, Microsoft publishes a new generation of Office products, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, the well-known Office 2016, and also the version that is latest of Office 2019.This article includes permit that is free for Office pro 2019, workplace Personal 2019, Office Home and Student 2019, Office Home & Business 2019, Project Pro 2019, Visio Pro 2019. Microsoft Office 2019 Activation keyFollowing a number of preview variations, Microsoft finally came out by having an variation that is official of 2019.

If you are interested in building more compilers available in the GCC collection modify the –enable-languages configure option.

And now, the final touches:

Grab a coffee, maybe a book, and wait … this should take approximately, depending on your computer configuration, an hour … or more … and about 5.24GB of your disk space for the build folder.

Install the compiled gcc in /usr/local/gcc-9.1:

Now, you can keep the new compiler completely isolated from your Apple’s gcc compiler and, when you need to use it, just modify your path by writing in Terminal:

If you want to avoid writing the above command each time you open a Terminal, save the above command in the file .bash_profile from your Home folder, e.g:

You should be able to invoke any of the newly compiled compilers C, C++, Fortran …, invoking g++ is as simple as writing in your Terminal:

Remember to erase the working folder from your HOME if you want to recover some space:

Next, I’ll show you how to check if the compiler was properly installed by compiling and running a few examples. GCC 9 uses by default the C++14 standard and C11 for the C coders, you should be able to compile any valid C++14 code directly. In your favorite text editor, copy and save this test program (I’ll assume you will save the file in your Home directory):

Compiling and running the above lambda example:

Gcc For Macos

We could also compile a C++ code that uses threads:

Next, we present a simple C++ code that uses regular expressions to check if the input read from stdin is a floating point number:

If you are a Fortran programmer, you can use some of the Fortran 2008 features like doconcurrent with gfortran-9.1:

The above code can be compiled with (assuming you’ve named it tst_concurrent_do.f90):

Mac Gcc Update

If you are interested in learning more about the new C++11/C++14 syntax I would recommend reading The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup.

or, Professional C++ by M. Gregoire, N. A. Solter, S. J. Kleper 2nd edition:

Tdm Gcc For Mac

If you need to brush your Fortran knowledge a good book is Modern Fortran Explained by M. Metcalf, J. Reid and M. Cohen:

Gcc For Mac Mojave

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