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Quicken Home And Business For Mac

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edited December 2018 in Before you Buy
I just bought a new MacAir and now want to transfer my Windows Quicken 2018 Home and Business (version R12.8):
Question #1. What Quicken Mac program do I buy so my Windows Quicken data is compatible? There is no Quicken Mac Home & Business.
Question #2. If I were to buy Mac Deluxe would my Windows Quicken Home and Business be compatible and transfer.
I do understand I need to validate and repair my data file in Windows before I open it in my MacAir.


  • edited November 2018
    None of the Home and Business-specific data would exist on the Mac, because the Mac program isn't built to hold that data. Your basic Quicken data -- your banking accounts and investments -- would all transfer to the Mac. But if you need the Home and Business features, you might be better off getting a program that lets you run Windows on your Mac, like Parallels. There are many Quicken Windows users running Quicken Windows in such a virtual machine inside their Mac while they wait and hope for the Mac version to reach parity with the Windows versions.
    Also, you might find it best to try for yourself. Since you have Quicken 2018, your subscription allows you to rub both the Windows and Mac products. download the Mac version and try it on your MacBook Air so you can see what does and doesn't transfer over and how it works.
    QMac 2007 & QMac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • edited December 2018
    Hi @ ;Patricia Hushagen ,
    See this Article:
    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R22.17 & Quicken 2017 HBRP R19.7
  • edited November 2018

    None of the Home and Business-specific data would exist on the Mac, because the Mac program isn't built to hold that data. Your basic Quicken data -- your banking accounts and investments -- would all transfer to the Mac. But if you need the Home and Business features, you might be better off getting a program that lets you run Windows on your Mac, like Parallels. There are many Quicken Windows users running Quicken Windows in such a virtual machine inside their Mac while they wait and hope for the Mac version to reach parity with the Windows versions.
    Also, you might find it best to try for yourself. Since you have Quicken 2018, your subscription allows you to rub both the Windows and Mac products. download the Mac version and try it on your MacBook Air so you can see what does and doesn't transfer over and how it works.

    If you decide to migrate your data, you do need to convert. Since your data is from QW2010 or newer, the mechanics are quite simple..copy data file over to Mac. Open data file with QM2018. The built-in conversion process will step you through but there are a few things you need to know; here is the entire process:
    In your case, you can skip steps 1 and 2 but review all the prep and background info before:
    NOTE: Be aware that at this time, it is very difficult to convert back from Mac to Windows, as there are many problems with the reverse conversion process.
    I also suggest that you make sure that Quicken 2019 for Mac will meet your needs, since it was re-written from the ground up (first with Quicken Essentials in 2010, then again with QM2015 onward) and is not the same product as the Windows version, so there are some features that are still not there e.g. full loan amortization*, 2-line display, QuickMath, or are not as fully developed yet, e.g. Customized Reports, some investment performance reports and stats (therefore some data may not carry over). You can start here:
    *NOTE: Support for fixed rate loans has been released as of QM2017 v4.5.x but there is no announced timing for support for variable rate or simple daily interest loans.
    You may want to review the List of Obstacles and Hindrances for Migrating from QM2007 or QWin to Quicken for Mac. Add your vote to any features that are missing for you. Your VOTES matter!
    Be aware of data that will and will not carry forward:
    (A couple more things to note: historical currency rates are not migrated AND currency conversions of transactions are not migrated).
    Then look at the updates since the original release here:
    You will also want to look at a more detailed comparison done by a SuperUser which also identifies nuances not mentioned elsewhere (and read on for comments from other users too on that same discussion thread):
    Take a look at the following videos to give you a better idea:
    Note that there are many differences that are rather subtle, that are not necessarily identifiable via documentation, for example, the 12-month budget feature does not allow including transfers, including investment income, selecting specific accounts, or have rollover capability.
    As already stated, if you find that QM2019 does not meet your needs, the alternative is to run Quicken for Windows in a virtual machine on your Mac. There are 5 popular products you can use: Parallels, VMWare Fusion, Oracle VirtualBox, Bootcamp or CrossOver. The first 4 require you to also buy a copy of Windows. The first 2 cost $50-80, the third and forth are free. CrossOver also costs about $50-$80 but does NOT require you to buy Windows.
    If you plan to keep your PC & Mac, you could also run Quicken on the PC and use remote access (several free options, e.g. NoMachine and Teamviewer) to access Quicken from your Mac (or even a tablet or phone) (see this great article for complete review of many options (most are free): ).
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list

When making business software decisions, accounting is at the forefront. When deciding which accounting software is best for your small business, the choice often comes down to either Quicken Home & Business or QuickBooks Simple Start. quicken home and business for mac. Skip to main content. Quicken Home & Business 2019 Personal Finance & Small Business Software PC Disc 1-Year Subscription + 2 Bonus Months Amazon Exclusive by Quicken. 3.3 out of 5 stars 89. PC Disc $62.99 $ 62. 99 $104.99 $104.99.

HomeQuicken for MacProduct Ideas - Quicken for MacProduct Enhancements (Mac)

Personal Capital (Free) Personal Capital is the best alternative to Quicken for Mac we’ve tried and not only that, it’s actually free to use. Around 1.6 million people now user Personal Capital and there are many compelling reasons that make it our top pick. Here’s a summary of the main ones.

edited August 5 in Product Enhancements (Mac)
Quicken Home and Business is the best and most perfect solution for our very small businesses. I have looked for a long time for something that would do what Quicken H&B does and there is no equal. Two years ago I switched to a Mac. I would really love to do away with Windows and Quicken H&B is the only reason I still run Windows on my Mac. Macintosh computers are being purchased at a greater quantity than ever before. Please consider creating Quicken Home and Business for Mac. I, for one, would greatly appreciate it.

Quicken Home And Business For Mac 2020


Quickbooks For Mac


Quicken Small Business For Mac

  • edited January 27
    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.
  • edited January 2017

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    I am sure there are as many as 1/2 of Quicken users who would love a Mac version! I myself am using VirtualBox on my iMac running Windows 7. I have 3 family members who have switched to Macs and if there was a Mac version you would have 3 more customers. Too bad Intuit is dragging their feet! I have been a user for 25 years and very disappointed!
  • edited January 19
    Quicken Home & Business on Mac will be very welcome. Have to use virtual machines to run Windows on Macs now. Searching on the internet for solutions, it seems there are a lot of users who had to resolve to using virtual machines on Mac to be able to run Quicken Home & Business.
    Mac is growing as a platform for serious business and home end users, hope Intuit is taking notice of this.
  • edited January 19
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken for Home & Business for Mac.
    I have been a Quicken user since the DOS days and it has been perfect for me. However, ten years ago I saw the light and switched to using Mac computers. I tried in vain using Quicken for Mac and it did not have the same functionality as Quicken for Home & Business. I tried using a virtual Windows on Mac but the keystrokes are not the same. Bottom line - please expand the line to include higher functioning Quicken products for those of us who want to be free from Windows so I can finally rid my desktop of the last remaining PC, keyboard and mouse that clutter it solely because I have become so dependent upon Quicken for Home & Business.
  • edited January 19
    I completely agree. Quicken for Mac should and dare I say must be on par with quicken for Windows for you to have a viable product and charge the same price. Quicken for Mac compared to Quicken for windows is a sub-par product. So sorry i purchased. Currently looking for another product to give me what i need and still use my Mac
  • edited January 19
    I have been using Quicken forever and specifically Home and Business for many, many years. I have postponed switching to Mac because of the lack of this migration. However, when the new MacBook comes out this Fall I am making the switch. It would be super great if there were a Home and Business version for Mac. The words 'it may be awhile' is discouraging, especially considering the years that Quicken has had to develop this. Please consider reallocating resources for this product. Thank you.
  • edited January 19
    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.
  • edited January 19

    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.

    Have you looked into running a VM on your Mac .. and then running Windows within that and H&B within Windows?
    Q user since DOS version 5
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Home & Business
    Retired 'Certified Information Systems Auditor' & Bank Audit VP
  • edited January 19

    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.

    It's an option but that would require me to purchase not only Quicken but also VM, and a copy of windows. Just not willing to spend that much money just to have a Business version of Quicken.
  • edited January 19

    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.

    That is how I am running H&B now and that is the only reason I'm running Windows at all. I would really rather not have to run Windows on my Mac.
  • edited December 2016

    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.

    The QMac product is, when compared to QWin, somewhere between the Win 'Starter Edition' and Win 'Deluxe' in capability. It's going to be a LONG time before an H&B for Mac is available. Years, not months.
    Q user since DOS version 5
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Home & Business
    Retired 'Certified Information Systems Auditor' & Bank Audit VP
  • edited March 2018

    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.

    They've been saying 'years' for years now. I guess that means never in Quicken-speak. Any other good financial solutions out there?
  • edited January 19

    I also vote for a business edition of Quicken for Mac. I run a small business and am currently using Quickbooks but I would switch to Quicken in a heartbeat if there were a Business edition. As stated earlier the number of Mac users is growing more and more everyday and I really think you are losing quite a bit of revenue by not having a business edition for Mac.

    Please add Home and Business for Mac. My old Windows desktop is dying fast and I use that computer only for Quicken Home and Business home accounting. I am currently using Quickbooks Self Employed for my private practice and and it is extremely limited in its functions
  • edited November 2017
    I too had been an original windows quicken user - I switched to a mac to run my business 8 years ago after my last dell computer bit the dust. I was VERY disappointed that there was no home and business for my mac and and still disappointed in that - I am starting up my business again and would need to have a business product for my income/expenses. Since it appears that Quicken will not be coming out with a home and business I will have to look for another option. Does anyone here know of alternatives?
  • edited December 2016

    I too had been an original windows quicken user - I switched to a mac to run my business 8 years ago after my last dell computer bit the dust. I was VERY disappointed that there was no home and business for my mac and and still disappointed in that - I am starting up my business again and would need to have a business product for my income/expenses. Since it appears that Quicken will not be coming out with a home and business I will have to look for another option. Does anyone here know of alternatives?

    Get QuickBooks.
  • edited August 2018
    If you truly want this to be considered seriously, be sure to click VOTE at the top of this page.
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
  • edited January 19
  • edited January 19
    P.S. Since the new release of the Macbook Pro (2016), I've ordered one which is due to arrive Mid-December. The sooner Intuit can release a Quicken Home and Business solution, the better Ready? Go!
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    Hi Marcus! Please-please-please move up the time frame for Mac version of QH&B! I've been a loyal customer for over a decade and now have a college bound son I'd love to introduce to Quicken but he says, 'Dad, no way I'm getting a PC' nor does he want the hassle of a Windows emulator.
    [Removed personal email]
  • edited January 2017

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    Then be sure to click VOTE at the top of this page.
    If you do not click VOTE at the top of the page, your vote will NOT be counted! Your VOTE matters!

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    YES, Please make home and business for mac .. I have been using home and business for just over 10 years and have moved to mac about 4 years ago and it is annoying having to open and deal with windows just for this software if anything comes available that operates the same and is mac based I am jumping on it.
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    Please put Home and Business for the mac on a fast track! Your user base needs it badly!
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    I too have been a Quicken user for over 25 years. I need and want Quicken Home & Business for Mac - I can't believe there isn't one,
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    So many people use Macs, PLEASE put out a Mac version of Quicken Home and Business!
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    Totally agree. I am being forced to keep my accounting on a separate computer, and then it doesn't get done very often. I sure wish I could do everything on my mac!
    I too have been a Quicken user for over 25 years, I'm shocked that Intuit hasn't produced H&B for mac yet.
  • edited January 2018

    I completely agree. Quicken for Mac should and dare I say must be on par with quicken for Windows for you to have a viable product and charge the same price. Quicken for Mac compared to Quicken for windows is a sub-par product. So sorry i purchased. Currently looking for another product to give me what i need and still use my Mac

    Have you found that elusive product?
    So disappointed to have to install software on my Mac to allow it to operate the PC Quicken Home and Business, you'd think they'd realize the demand for a Mac version of this product?
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

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    If you would like Quicken Home and Business in a Mac version, be sure to click VOTE at the top of this page!
    If you do not click VOTE at the top of the page, your vote will NOT be counted! Your VOTE matters!
  • edited December 2016

    I completely agree. Quicken for Mac should and dare I say must be on par with quicken for Windows for you to have a viable product and charge the same price. Quicken for Mac compared to Quicken for windows is a sub-par product. So sorry i purchased. Currently looking for another product to give me what i need and still use my Mac

    Consider these free alternatives, in the meantime..
    Since you need to keep your PC & Mac, you could also run Quicken on the PC and use remote access software (several free options, e.g. NoMachine and Teamviewer) to access Quicken on one computer from the other, or even mobile devices (see this great article for complete review of many options (most are free): ). Though this article was written primarily with Macs in mind, there are many solutions offered that work for Windows too. The one trade-off is that the host computer cannot really be used for anything else while using Quicken with these remote solutions.
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    Pretty please (with sugar on top) expedite H&B for Mac!
  • edited January 19

    Thanks for putting a vote for a Home and Business version. Anyone else interested in this? We still have quite a bit of functionality to add to Quicken for Mac just to get it even close to Quicken Windows so the reality is it may be some time before we get there but would love to find out how many people are interested in this.

    Quicken needs to devote more internal resources to build out H&B for Mac !