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Gpower For Mac

  • 457 次查看 37 次下载
  • 分类:教育
  • 标签:statisticals statistical analyses analysi extensions extension improvements improvement previous previou statisticals statistical chis chi zs z provides provide improveds improved calculators calculator graphics graphic suppor
  • 时间:2019年06月05日 更新 文件大小: 2.2 MB
  • 开发商:Heinrich-Heine-University 官网首页
  • 支持类型: Mac OS X 10.7 or later
  • 支持语言:未知
  • G.Power 3.1 manual March 1, 2017 This manual is not yet complete. We will be adding help on more tests in the future. If you cannot find help for your test.
  • G.Power is a small German statistical analysis software for Mac that can compute statistical power analyses for tests such as t tests, F tests, χ2 tests, z tests and some exact tests. You can also use G.Power to compute effect sizes and to graphically display results of power analyses.
  • Oct 24, 2018  This web page and the PS: Power and Sample Size Calculation program by William D. Dupont and W. Dale Plummer, Jr. Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

来自Mac App Store官方介绍

Excell for mac. G.Power is a statistical power analysis program. You may want to check out more Mac applications, such as MacSpice, Periodic Table or Gnuplot, which might be similar to G.Power.

G*Power is a statistical power analysis program. It is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous version, covering many different statistical tests of the F, t, chi-square, and z test families as well as some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphics options, it supports both a distribution-based and a design-based input mode, and it offers five different types of power analyses. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free.




  • Fixed a bug in 'Linear bivariate regression: One group, size of slope'. Negative effect directions, that is, slope H1 < slope H0, were not always handled correctly. Furthermore, the restriction ( slope < sy/sx ) on the effect size, which was previously ignored, is now checked


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G Power Analysis Calculator For Mac

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G Power Calculator For Mac

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